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Israel: We're Using the Ceasefire to Prepare for the Next Stage of War

  The Israeli army announced Friday night that it is utilizing the four-day ceasefire with Hamas to "prepare for the next stage of its operation in the Gaza Strip."

Army spokesperson Daniel Haggai stated in a regular press briefing, "During the ceasefire days, the Israeli army will complete its readiness and preparedness for the next stages of the war."

Israeli officials reiterated multiple times that the ceasefire does not mean a cessation of fire, emphasizing that the war would resume after four days.

Earlier on Friday, Defense Minister Yoav Galant stated that the current ceasefire is nothing but a "short and temporary pause," after which Israel will resume operations with its full military might.

Galant made these remarks to his Italian counterpart visiting Tel Aviv.

He added, "There will be a short pause, and then we will continue operations with full military force. We will not stop until we achieve our goals: destroying Hamas and bringing the hostages from Gaza back to Israel. There are 240 hostages, and this is something we cannot accept or compromise on."

The implementation of the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel began on Friday, with fighting ceasing and Hamas releasing 13 Israelis held captive in exchange for Israel releasing 39 Palestinian prisoners.

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