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Germany announces that 4 of its citizens are among the hostages released from Gaza


  German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock announced on Friday that among the 24 hostages released in Gaza earlier in the day, four were Germans.

“I feel incredibly relieved after the release of 24 hostages from Gaza, including 4 German (Israeli), because now, after 49 days of hell and fear, the father will finally be able to embrace his two children,” Baerbock stated during her party conference. His little girls and his wife.”

She continued by saying that "the release of all remaining hostages, especially the Germans, remains a top priority." Hamas released 24 hostages, including women, children, and Thai farm workers, on Friday, the first day of the ceasefire with Israel.

Under the terms of the four-day ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, 50 women and children will be released, compared to 150 Palestinian women and children from among thousands of prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Israel indicated that the ceasefire may be extended if more hostages are released at a rate of ten per day.

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