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Ukraine: Russia prepares for new attacks on the besieged city of Avdiivka.


 The Ukrainian army stated today, Thursday, that Russian forces are attempting to reorganize their ranks and compensate for their losses near the city of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine before trying to pressure with new attacks in an attempt to encircle the besieged city.

Oleksandr Stupak, the spokesperson for the Ukrainian military's Tavria Command, stated, "The enemy continues to attempt to encircle Avdiivka, but it is not at its full capacity at the moment, as it is trying to reorganize its ranks and compensate for the losses it has suffered to launch further attacks."

According to local and military authorities in Ukraine, Russia revived its efforts in mid-October to encircle the besieged city in an attempt to inundate Ukrainian army positions with a continuous barrage of artillery fire and waves of forces and combat vehicles.

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