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Resignation on Air in Israel Due to "Netanyahu Government's Failure"

    The head of a regional council in Israel has resigned live on air directly from the ruling Likud party, citing the failure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government to fulfill promises made to assist the residents of the Gaza environment during the war with the Hamas movement.

Tameer Ayedan was managing the Sdot Negev Regional Council, adjacent to the besieged Gaza Strip, which includes the city of Netivot and 16 smaller settlements, such as Alumim and Kfar Maimon.

Ayedan announced his resignation from the Likud party during an interview with Channel 12 on Israeli television, calling on party members to also resign.

“I declare my resignation from the ruling Likud party and blame the Israeli government, urging all my friends and members of the Likud central committee to do the same in the face of this egregious failure,” he said.

Ayedan was seen reading from a written resignation letter that he claimed to have sent to Netanyahu.

On October 7th, the Palestinian resistance launched a surprise attack on the settlements and Israeli military bases surrounding the enclave, resulting in the deaths of 1,400 Israelis and the capture of 240 others.

Israel responded by declaring war on the movement and bombarding Gaza wildly, resulting in the deaths of 9,000 Palestinians so far, the majority of whom were civilians.

As a result of the attack and the ensuing war, the Israeli areas surrounding Gaza have become nearly deserted. Israeli authorities evacuated 250,000 people from these settlements to other areas within Israel.

Netanyahu's government faced severe criticism and even ridicule, as well as the stunning security failure in the face of Hamas, it did not provide sufficient support to the residents of these areas, according to the "Times of Israel" newspaper.

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