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John Bolton: Hamas Achieved a Major Victory over Israel

Former US National Security Advisor, John Bolton, has expressed his views on the recent exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, stating that it appears Hamas has achieved a major victory. In an article published in The Telegraph, Bolton explained that while the release of Israeli hostages on October 7 is commendable, there are costs and benefits associated with such agreements.

Bolton highlighted that it remains unclear whether this deal sets a negative precedent for Israel and raises doubts about its ability to eliminate the terrorist threat posed by Hamas. He argued that the agreement is flawed from Israel's perspective, even if implemented flawlessly. Bolton pointed out that Israel would utilize the truce period to prepare for the next phase of the conflict, including rotating forces and resupplying them.

According to Bolton, Hamas would take advantage of the ceasefire to regroup and strengthen itself, potentially leading to more surprise attacks in the future. He raised concerns over Israeli soldiers being put at risk due to Hamas setting additional traps during this period. Bolton also emphasized that the suspension of air surveillance of Gaza for six hours a day, agreed upon by the United States and Israel, is a significant concession that hampers Israel's ability to gather information about Hamas activities.

The former National Security Advisor highlighted Hamas's strategy of exploiting any temporary pause, regardless of its duration or justification, to push for a permanent ceasefire. Bolton warned that the pressure on Israel to surrender would increase over time, potentially undermining Israel's determination to eliminate Hamas. He also expressed concerns about the weakening of American support for Israel, which he considered a critical political danger.

The truce agreement between Israel and Hamas led to the release of 13 Israeli hostages held in Gaza, while Israel released 39 prisoners from its own prisons. This agreement aimed to bring calm and allow for the entry of additional aid into the Gaza Strip after weeks of aggression.

Source: The News

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