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A journalist was martyred and an Al Jazeera reporter and photographer were injured in an Israeli bombing in southern Lebanon

 A photojournalist was martyred and 3 others were injured - including an Al Jazeera reporter and photographer - in an Israeli bombing on their car in Alma Al-Shaab, southern Lebanon.

Director of Al Jazeera's office in Lebanon, Mazen Ibrahim, said that Reuters photographer Issam Abdullah was martyred, while Al Jazeera network colleagues Carmen Joukhadar and Eli Brakhia were taken to the hospital after being injured in an Israeli bombing on press crew cars in Alma al-Shaab.

Ibrahim added that Al-Jazeera's car was completely burned after being targeted by a direct missile.

He stated that the journalists were on a hill to monitor events in southern Lebanon and were putting up signs to identify them as journalists, and they were not close to any military site affiliated with the Lebanese Army or Hezbollah.

Source: Al Jazeera

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