Report: Secret Talks "Pave the Way" to End the Ukraine War
American “NBC” network reported, on Thursday, that secret talks are taking place between Russian and American officials aimed at paving the way for ending the war that has been raging in Ukraine since late February 2022.
NBC said that the talks, in which Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is taking part, aim to open the way for possible negotiations to end the war in Ukraine.
She added that secret talks bring together former US security officials and current Russian officials, including Lavrov.
There was no immediate official comment from Washington or Moscow on this report.
According to the news report, the talks aim to lay the groundwork for possible negotiations to end the war.
The news network reported that the former US officials involved in the talks belonged to the national security circles.
The current Russian officials are close to the Russian presidency, the Kremlin.
American news network stated that it based its report on 6 people who were briefed on the talks.
The news network gave an example of the high-level meetings in the "secret diplomatic channel" that took place behind the scenes, as Lavrov met with a group of members of a group for several hours in New York City, last April.
The order was confirmed by 4 former officials and 2 current officials.
April meeting touched on many thorny issues, such as the fate of the regions that Russia controlled in Ukraine, and the latter may not be able to liberate them, as well as the search for a diplomatic way out that would be good for both parties.
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