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The Biden Administration Calls on Israel to Exercise Restraint as Demonstrations in American Cities Denounce the War on Gaza


Source: The News

The Biden administration has urged Israel to exercise restraint and avoid causing harm to Palestinian civilians as the Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression against the Gaza Strip. The attacks have been ongoing for 58 consecutive days, with raids and violent bombardments targeting densely populated neighborhoods, resulting in numerous casualties and injuries.

Vice President Kamala Harris, speaking at a press conference during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, expressed concern over the high number of innocent Palestinians killed in Gaza. While acknowledging Israel's right to self-defense, Harris emphasized the importance of respecting international and humanitarian law and putting an end to the targeting of innocent Palestinians.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also emphasized the need to protect civilians, describing it as a "moral responsibility and strategic necessity" for Israel. He cautioned against actions that could push civilians into the hands of the enemy, stating that such actions would trade tactical victory for strategic defeat. Austin further stated that he had pressured Israeli officials to expand humanitarian access to Gaza.

In response to the ongoing conflict, demonstrations took place in American cities denouncing the war on Gaza. In Washington, D.C., a demonstration called for a ceasefire and the protection of civilians in Gaza. Participants condemned what they deemed as genocide committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. Similar protests occurred in San Francisco, California, and New York City. Demonstrators expressed solidarity with the Palestinian cause, calling for an immediate ceasefire, freedom for Palestinians, and an end to Israeli and American policies towards Gaza.

The demonstrations also criticized President Joe Biden and his administration for their perceived responsibility in the continued attacks on civilians in Gaza. The temporary truce between Palestinian resistance factions and Israel, which had lasted for 7 days, ended on December 1. The truce involved prisoner exchanges and the provision of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, which is home to approximately 2.3 million Palestinians.

The war waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip since October 7 resulted in extensive infrastructure destruction, tens of thousands of civilian casualties (including children and women), and a severe humanitarian catastrophe, according to official Palestinian and UN sources.

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