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Nearly 1 in 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects


  According to a recent study published in the journal Vaccines, nearly one-third of people who got the COVID-19 vaccine experienced neurological side effects such as tremors, sleeplessness, and muscle spasms.

The research examined 19,096 recipients of COVID-19 vaccinations in Italy in July 2021; of these, 15,368 had received the Pfizer vaccine, 2,077 had received the Moderna version, and 1,651 had received the AstraZeneca version.

AstraZeneca, an adenovirus vaccine, has a different method to elicit the immune response than Pfizer or Moderna, which are both mRNA vaccines.

Approximately 31.2% of those immunized experienced neurological side effects after receiving their immunization, with the AstraZeneca jab being the most common type. "Neurological risk profile" varied amongst vaccinations.

In contrast to the Moderna vaccine, which included sleepiness, vertigo, diplopia (double vision), paresthesia (a sensation of numbness or itching on the skin), taste and smell abnormalities, and dysphonia (hoarseness or loss of normal voice), the neurological risk profile of the AstraZeneca vaccine included headaches, tremors, muscle spasms, insomnia, and tinnitus. There were no hospitalizations or deaths among the individuals.

Regarding the Pfizer vaccines, scientists discovered "an increased risk" of attention problems or cognitive fog.

AstraZeneca Risks

One-day headaches were experienced by over 53% of those who received an AstraZeneca injection. More than 13% also experienced tremors, which usually subsided within a day.

5.7 percent of AstraZeneca patients reported having insomnia. Researchers were dubious, the study says, whether the participants truly experienced sleeplessness or perhaps misinterpreted their sleep quality as a result of the stress associated with vaccinations.

2.7% of those who received injections from AstraZeneca complained of tinnitus. Hearing ringing or other disturbances that are not brought on by outside sounds is known as tinnitus.

Following the vaccine's initial dosage, there was an increased chance of developing any of these medical issues.

Moderna and Pfizer Risks

A week is typically the duration of the condition that was observed in 39.7% of individuals who received Moderna injections. The development of sleepiness and immunological responses to vaccinations or infections "may have a strict relationship," according to the suggestion.

An intriguing theory presented in the article contends that influenza vaccinations could cause “the selective immune-mediated destruction of orexin-producing neurons, which is T-cell-mediated neuronal damage, thus triggering narcolepsy.”

With narcolepsy, the brain becomes unable to regulate whether or not a person can stay awake or sleep.

Future research tracking the start of hypersomnia in susceptible individuals is desperately needed, as it can happen with COVID-19 vaccinations as well.

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