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Massive raids targeting Hamas and Samidoun supporters in Germany

   Hundreds of police officers conducted searches of properties belonging to Hamas members and sympathizers in Germany on Thursday morning, after imposing an official ban on any activity related to them or those who support them.

On Thursday morning, searches were carried out in four German regions targeting members and sympathizers of the banned Palestinian Hamas and Simon movements, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

Interior Minister Nancy Wieser explained in the statement: “We continue to act against extremist Islamists. By banning Hamas and Semaon in Germany, we have sent a clear signal that we do not tolerate the brutal terrorism carried out by Hamas against Israel.”

“Islamists and anti-Semites should not feel safe anywhere,” she added.

The Ministry of Interior indicated that 15 locations had been searched since the operation began at six in the morning, in implementation of court orders in four regions.

Germany banned activities related to Hamas and Samoun in the country on November 2, as official figures indicate the presence of about 450 Hamas members in the country.

On October 12, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that the Interior Ministry “will impose a ban on Hamas activities in Germany.” Since 2003, the European Union has officially classified Hamas as a “terrorist” organization. The ministry stated that although Hamas members have not been involved in "violent acts" in Germany so far, they have tried to raise money to support the movement abroad and "influence social and political discourse in Germany."

She explained that, on the other hand, "Simon" tends to use violence... and denies Israel's right to exist.

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