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Haniyeh: Al-Aqsa Flood Marks the Start of the End of Occupation of Our Land and Jerusalem


  Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas' Political Bureau, recently declared that the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation signifies the commencement of the end of the occupation of their land and Jerusalem. He emphasized that Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip should be classified as "war crimes."

During a televised address, Haniyeh expressed, "The adversary's feeble army couldn't confront our courageous fighters, resorting instead to perpetrating massacres. It is under the impression that these atrocities will wipe away the disgrace and defeat following Hamas's strategic assault. Despite the backing of the United States, we will resume our strategy of liberation and return."

In response to Israel's proposals to relocate Gaza residents to Sinai, Haniyeh emphasized that the people of Gaza have strong roots in their homeland and are determined not to abandon their land. "The significant blow you have received indicates that our freedom and return are imminent. There will be no emigration from the West Bank or Gaza, nor will there be any migration from Gaza to Egypt. I extend my greetings to our brothers in Egypt and affirm that our decision is to remain in our land, aligning with your decision."

Addressing the accusations of targeting civilians and children, he reaffirmed that "Hamas does not intentionally target civilian adults or children and cannot be swayed by the distorted narrative presented by the Israeli media."

The head of Hamas's Political Bureau expressed his gratitude to the masses in Arab and international capitals who have shown their support for Gaza. He urged them to persist and encouraged their participation in protest marches across all cities. "We will continue our fight until we establish a state, liberate our prisoners, free our sanctuaries, and ensure the return of our displaced to their homes."

In a previous statement to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, Haniyeh asserted that Israel's aggressive actions in the Gaza Strip constitute "war crimes." He called for international pressure on Israeli authorities to "immediately cease these crimes and uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law."

Following the launch of the Al-Aqsa Flood by Hamas and other Palestinian factions in response to continued attacks by the occupation and Israeli settlers against the Palestinian people and their properties, particularly the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, the Israeli military initiated Operation Iron Sword. The operation has led to intensified airstrikes in various areas of the Gaza Strip, where over two million Palestinians endure deteriorating living conditions as a result of the ongoing Israeli blockade since 2006.

Source: Agencies

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