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"You are just like the nazis." After approving the Qur'an's burning, a British journalist attacks Sweden.


EUROPE "You are just like the nazis." After approving the Qur'an's burning, a British journalist attacks Sweden.

In the 1930s, when Germany burned books under the pretext that they were subversive or reflected philosophies hostile to Nazism, British journalist Robert Carter compared Sweden, which permitted the burning of a copy of the Qur'an, to Nazi Germany.

Carter gave a fiery statement at a vigil on Monday in front of the Swedish embassy in London in opposition to the Swedish government's approval of the burning of a copy of the Holy Qur'an last week.

The Swedish government received a telegram from journalist Carter that read, "Your irrational fear and ignorance of Islam and Muslim immigration to Europe is based on a shameful disregard for understanding the meaning of truth and justice."

"You claim to be a wonderful example of democracy and defenders of freedom of expression, but you are burning poetry, literature, and the most important book and message in the entire universe, the Holy Quran," he said. You are blatant hypocrites who only protect the hate speech of a small group of radicals and propagandists.

You should be ashamed of yourselves, he continued. How dare you preach democracy, freedom of speech, and human rights to others, particularly to Muslim populations, while encouraging the erasure of literature and books, as Nazi Germany did. You are to blame.

"The fact is that Muslims have suffered enough," Carter concluded. Muslims are frequently bombed and degraded throughout the Islamic world and other nations, while Muslim women in Western nations have their veils pulled off and those with the names Muhammad or Abdullah are denied work prospects.

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