National Resistance Day... Israeli opposition escalates its protest against the judicial amendments

Opponents of the "judicial amendments" plan in Israel escalated their protests today, Tuesday, and closed several main axes, despite the heavy deployment of the police, who arrested 17 of the participants in the protests.
Under the slogan "National Resistance Day", the demonstrations began this morning, and hundreds of protesters gathered in the central Tel Aviv area, blocking central roads and streets, including the entrance to the Ministry of Security and the headquarters of the Israeli army, and they also tried to block the movement of trains.
On the other hand, the Israeli police mobilized thousands of its personnel to deal with the protesters who accuse the government of overthrowing the regime, and the Israeli police arrested 17 people during the protests against the judicial changes.
The protest movements announced the demonstrations today, Tuesday, in the wake of the continuation of the procedures of what they described as the legislation of the plan to weaken the judiciary, and the coalition’s intention to endorse the pretext of unreasonableness, beginning next week.
Israeli opposition leaders had called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt this legislation and return to the dialogue table, to settle acceptable to all parties.
Today, the Israeli Knesset will hold a session during which it will continue to discuss and vote on enacting laws aimed at limiting the work of judges and the judiciary in Israel, according to the government coalition plan to change the judicial system.
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